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Megan & Luke’s Engagements!

November 22, 2019

Holy Fog Batman! I have never been in fog as thick as what Kala, Luke, Megan, and myself were in Monday. Y’all this fog was so thicker than the butter on my cornbread. When we met Megan and Luke at Rough Ridge the fog was so heavy we knew we wouldn’t have any chance at using the view right then, so we rolled down the mountain a ways and pulled off at an overlook and used the field to make some absolutely gorgeous photos. As beautiful the photos are, while there we kept talking about how ‘scary movie’ the fog made everything feel. Not being able to see 30 feet caused all of us to worry about what was just beyond our field of vision (more on this in a second).

Megan and Luke didn’t know that we were going on a fence jumping adventure. To get to some ideal locations we had to jump over two or three. These two were up for anything I am pretty sure. Traveling all the way from Raleigh like ourselves, this couple was determined to make the best of it. Even though at one point the fog was so thick we walked up on a deer that was only about 10 yards away from us and he didn’t even run! Of course, because of the fog and having to take her contacts out Megan was positive that deer was a bear until the three of us were all close enough to confirm it’s antlers!

When we had first spoke to Megan and Luke a few weeks ago they didn’t inform us of their great sense of humor that Kala and I appreciated! For example Megan let us know that apparently Luke was going to try out for the re-energized NSYNC! Because of the weather along with the temperature it had created a nice frosted tips look on Luke’s hair. I was ready for him to bust out in song [Backstreets Back! Alright!].

This couple really knew how to hold a pose! They were fantastic at our “Nicholas Sparks” pose. If you’ve never worked with us before it is where we have the couple super close and almost kissing. [Just so everyone knows I’m not crazy here is a photo of a cover for one of Nicholas Spark’s books Safe Haven that is super similar to our pose].

We decided that we wanted to give the ridge one more shot even if we didn’t get to use the view. So hiking up the mountain when we got to the top we were not disappointed. The fog had settled in at the bottom and we were above it just like we were flying in a plane. We grabbed some amazing shots of them with the valley of fog below! In a celebration of their upcoming wedding in April, Megan and Luke popped a bottle of Champagne! How fun does that look? I don’t act like you don’t want to try it!

Luke and Megan love the mountains, Luke even attended Appalachian State University in Boone. They never dreamed when they had hiked up Rough Ridge years ago while dating that they would then be doing it again, as each other’s fiancé! To further affirm their love for the mountains they decided on The Overlook Barn as their wedding venue for the 11th of April! We are so happy for these two! They are wonderful people and we are so happy to have shared this foggy experience with them! Be sure to congratulate these two as we share their photos!

reg & Kala hurst

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